Get in touch +39 0536 808252 is back online with a brand new design. In the new Products page you can find a huge selection of machinery and spare parts and you can either select them by sector or use the search box. No need to say that our new website is completely responsive and, therefore, usable with any kind of mobile device along with the good old PC. The main menu is always just a click away in the upper part of the screen, even when you scroll down the page. The website is available in three different languages, Italian, English, and Spanish, and you can switch them by clicking on the upper right bar or, in case you are connected with your smartphone, by using the main menu. In the Contacts page you can see where Tem is located on Google maps. You will find our phone number as well as our e-mail address and a form you can fill in if you want to subscribe to our newsletter or if you need informations, offers or some technical detail about a product. You can either write or call us in Italian, English, Spanish and Polish! There is a News section as well, where we will publish news about our company, our sectors of interest and new products.

Enjoy your surfing!